Shaping the Future with Photovoltaics
With our developments in Organic Photovoltaics, NanoFlex has been able to form the basis for exciting new products, applications, and capabilities. As we've redefined the materials, architectures, and fabrication processes to radically decrease cost while enabling a far more flexible and lightweight form factor, we can now explore new opportunities for solar power.

Organic Photovoltaics Pave the Way for Net Zero Energy Buildings
The ability of organic photovoltaics to be semi-transparent and tuned to a variety of colors creates the design flexibility desired by architects and building owners to integrate solar materials into the building envelope. OPV technology opens vast possibilities for building-integrated photovoltaics, enabling net zero energy buildings.
The New Possibilities of Solar
These new processes for solar material fabrication are creating opportunities for exciting new applications. Check out some of the new possibilities below!